The DbContext.Database.Log property can be set to a delegate for any method that takes a string. Most commonly it is used with any TextWriter by setting it to the “Write” method of that TextWriter. All SQL generated by the current context will be logged to that writer. For example, the following code will log SQL to the console:

Database change log record DSECT. You can use the following table to assist you in the analysis of output from log record type X'50'. If any differences are detected in the mapping of the DSECT, you can obtain a current copy by assembling the macro ILOGREC. If you need to move your Microsoft SQL Server database to a new location (directory, drive, or machine), this article describes 2 procedures you can use to relocate your Log Database without data corruption or loss. Consult your database administrator to determine whether either of these procedures is appropriate for your organization. Dec 24, 2018 · Enter database name into Database name field. If you don’t have a database to store events, you can create it either with Event Log Explorer or with other tools. If you want to create a database with Event Log Explorer, click Create new database button. Type server name and your credentials and click Connect button. transaction log for 'database' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'. by dunk2710. on Aug 16, 2016 at 19:48 UTC. Solved Microsoft Database activity monitoring: Monitor all user activity within the database, database transactions including DDL and DML statements, and more. Database server log monitoring : With in-depth database server log analysis this tool provides information on server activity, user logon and logoffs, account and permission changes in database servers Database software for the development of internet databases. Create a web database in minutes with no prior knowledge of PHP or MySQL coding. You create the database tables and fields and the software generates all the code for you. The database log, sometimes referred to as the transaction log, is a fundamental component of a database management system. All changes to application data in the database are recorded serially in the database log.

Most database systems maintain some kind of transaction log, which are not mainly intended as an audit trail for later analysis, and are not intended to be human-readable. These logs record changes to the stored data to allow the database to recover from crashes or other data errors and maintain the stored data in a consistent state.

Database change log record DSECT. You can use the following table to assist you in the analysis of output from log record type X'50'. If any differences are detected in the mapping of the DSECT, you can obtain a current copy by assembling the macro ILOGREC. If you need to move your Microsoft SQL Server database to a new location (directory, drive, or machine), this article describes 2 procedures you can use to relocate your Log Database without data corruption or loss. Consult your database administrator to determine whether either of these procedures is appropriate for your organization.

In SQL, the transaction log file is used to save records that are produced during the logging process in a SQL Server database. The transaction log is basically an integral part of SQL Server database. It is not only integral but also a most important component of the SQL Server database especially when it is about disaster recovery.

Mar 07, 2020 · To resolve the issue, take a transaction log backup and set the database in simple recovery model. Change the database model to SIMPLE Recovery. ALTER DATABASE Database_name SET RECOVERY SIMPLE GO Truncate log file. DBCC SHRINKFILE (Database_name, 1); GO Reset model to FULL Recovery. ALTER DATABASE Database_name SET RECOVERY FULL GO That’s All Mar 12, 2009 · There are only two commands for backup, the primary is BACKUP DATABASE which backs up the entire database and BACKUP LOG which backs up the transaction log. The following will show different options for doing transaction log backups. Explanation. The BACKUP LOG command gives you many options for creating transaction log backups. Oct 01, 2019 · Use ILogger to log messages Testing the implementation. To test that the logging is working, you have only to start your application and call one of the controllers which do some logging. Then you can check in your database in the Log table and you should see the log entries there. The redo log could be open or closed. ACTIVE - Log is active but is not the current log. It is needed for crash recovery. It may be in use for block recovery. It may or may not be archived. CLEARING - Log is being re-created as an empty log after an ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement. After the log is cleared, the status changes to UNUSED. Add a mod_user field to your source table (the one you want to log). Create a log table that contains the fields you want to log, plus a log_datetime and seq_num field. seq_num is the primary key. Build a trigger on the source table that inserts the current record into the log table whenever any monitored field is changed.