Ubuntu Server is a GUI to manage your servers that are installed (apache2,myqsl,proftpd,samba,monitorix,ssh,nagios,webmin) and see the server log activity! ver 0.7 -added Backup utility, view info about network interfaces , config samba shares , view local & external ip , enable or disable sites and modules in apache2 -a new look&feel -ver 0.7

If luci-app-samba not working or can't find in web gui - > type “rm /tmp/luci-indexcache” or restart router. Common Options. The config section type samba determines values and options relevant to the overall operation of samba. The following table lists all available options, their default value and respectively a short characterization. 19.4. Configuring a Samba Server To configure Samba using a graphical interface, use the Samba Server Configuration Tool.For command line configuration, skip to Section 19.4.2, “Command Line Configuration”.. The Samba Server Configuration Tool is a graphical interface for managing Samba shares, users, and basic server settings. It modifies the configuration files in the /etc/samba/ directory. Samba 4 Active Directory Domain Controller on Ubuntu 18.04

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In this tutorial we will show you how to install and configure Samba server on RHEL and CentOS 7 linux. Install and configure Samba on Rhel/CentOS 7. To install samba packages enter following command: yum install samba samba-client samba-common -y. Now configure samba edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf

Using Samba, a Unix machine can be configured as a file and print server for Mac OS X, Windows, and OS/2 machines. Samba has developed into a fully-fledged and rather complex product. Configure Samba with YaST, SWAT (a Web interface), or by editing the configuration file manually. 28.1 Terminology #

Samba Gui Tools Linux - YouTube Feb 18, 2017 05 The Samba Web Administration Tool - YouTube Nov 24, 2014