However, I can't access the shared folder with my user, I've logged in with root and used chmod 777 and even moved my user to the folder's group. Whatever I do the result is the same: /media/sf_sharedFolder/: Permission denied

Apr 16, 2018 · I am using a Ubiquiti Edge Router and it will connect from a Windows 10 VPN connection. I can ping the server IP and can remote into the server using the local IP over RDP once I connect to the VPN but can't access the shared folders at \\. The shares work when at the physical location. Oct 09, 2016 · Can't access Samba shares on 10049 in Network and Sharing I just reinstalled after I was having issues. Everything seems to be working smoothly, except that I can't access the shares on all but one of my other computers for some reason. Sep 03, 2015 · I was really hoping this would work for me but alas, didn't happen. Recently upgraded all PCs to Windows 10 Pro. All other PCs can access shared drives on 2 of the PCs with no problem. Not on a domain, not using a HomeGroup. I'm not even getting a login cred request, just that "Windows cannot access" PCNAME or IPADDRESS. Jul 24, 2019 · Microsoft Outlook cannot access the specified folder location. The operation failed. An object cannot be found. When I try to expand the folder list, I get another error; Cannot expand the folder. She double-checked the permissions and even set it to “Owner” level but I still can’t access it from Outlook on my computer. How can we make Apr 17, 2018 · On the General tab, make sure that the Don't allow exceptions check box is not selected. Click the Exceptions tab. On the Exceptions tab, make sure that the File and Printer Sharing check box is selected, and then click OK. Did this fix the problem? Check whether the problem is fixed. If the problem is fixed, you are finished with this section.

Every member of a shared folder can add and modify files, so the shared folder takes up space in each member's account. If you're having trouble joining a shared folder—or sharing one with others—it's likely that insufficient space is the cause. The amount of space in your Dropbox prevents you from accepting a shared folder invite if:

Create the folder to be shared somewhere outside the /home folder as root. For example: sudo mkdir /Public; sudo chmod -R 0777 /Public to make it fully accessible by everyone. sudo adduser --no-create-home to create a new user whose name will be used to access the shared folder from the network. Since this user is going to Jul 01, 2016 · I am unable to browse a shared folder on a machine (standalone) from a domain user's account or a server on the domain. Although this shared folder is available (visible) from another standalone machine. I've added the Guest, Everyone & Anonymous users to the permissions and security-tab of the shared folder on the standalone machine.

On the client machine (XP), you can create a batch file to run anytime you need to connect the folder. create a text file with these contents: net use J: "\\pathname\to\share" password /user:your_usere_name. save it as a .cmd file. you can also run the command prompt of course. on some routers especially if its crossing from wired LAN to

Jun 13, 2019 · In Windows 10, some features of file and folder sharing over a network have changed, including the removal of HomeGroup.Read on for answers to common questions about other changes to file and folder sharing in Windows 10. Mar 05, 2020 · The problem i have is the following : I can share folders normally (as well as its sub folders and files) placed at c: (or at a partition of c:) following the procedure above, however i can NOT share the structure of the sub folders and the files contained inside of a shared folder in case this shared folder is placed at any external disk !