Mar 18, 2020 · While Linux has a reputation for being stable, able to keep chugging along for years, there are times when the desktop will just freeze and stop responding to input. One of the most common solutions to fix a frozen desktop is to restart the PC. An easier way is to just restart the desktop.

Restart with the Init Command: Init is actually taken from the word initialize that is widely been used to initialize/start different processes in a Linux machine, so this command used as a joint with the runlevel 6; a number which is been set for rebooting a Linux server leads to getting the server rebooted. The syntax for this is mentioned below: Feb 07, 2016 · If you want to start, stop, restart, enable, reload & status of the service follow the below commands to do it. Make sure you should have root or sudo Permission to run the below commands. Here I have covered all the services commands such as Apache, MySQL, MariaDB, Bind (Named, Bind9), Nginx, Lighttpd, Exim, Postfix, Sendmail, Qmail, etc.. 1) Regarding the output of last -x command. Run this command* and compare the output to the examples below: last -x | head | tac Normal shutdown examples. A normal shutdown and power-up looks like this (note that you have a shutdown event and then a system boot event): Jul 13, 2004 · Restart services - 'service' command not found: davee: Linux - Newbie: 9: 03-16-2013 12:34 AM "service __ restart" bash command isn't working: case1984: Linux - Newbie: 9: 04-10-2008 02:35 PM: httpd restart headache; netstat: Swakoo: Linux - Networking: 1: 10-25-2005 08:08 AM: Failed Httpd restart: namboi: Linux - Newbie: 5: 05-07-2005 07:23 PM Jan 03, 2019 · There might arise a need to execute a command or scripts at reboot or every time when we start our system. So how can we do that, in this tutorial we are going to discuss just that. We will discuss how we can make our CentOS/RHEL and Ubuntu systems to execute a command or scripts at reboot or at system startup using two different methods. The kill command is commonly used for terminating processes. Internally, this command sends specific signals to a process that determines the behavior of the process. The default behavior of the kill command is to terminate a process by sending the TERM signal. To kill a process, you will need its PID, which can be obtained using the ps command.

Jan 11, 2019 · There is no need to restart network service. Above command should work with any Linux distro such as RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu and others. On a related note you can also try out the following commands: # ifdown eth0 # ifup eth0 ### RHEL/CentOS/Fedora specific command ### # /etc/init.d/network restart OR ### Debian / Ubuntu Linux specific

Feb 01, 2020 · Linux/Unix systems keep the details of the previous reboot. You may also need to know when the system was rebooted last. Check Last Reboot History. Mostly Linux/Unix systems provide the last command, which provides us the history of last logins and system reboots. These entries are keeps in the lastlog file. We have in our organization around ~500 RedHat Linux machines. On all the machines we installed applications and services under /etc/init.d, and oracle RAC servers. We intend to perform yum updates on all machines and after that take a reboot. So I was wondering what command is safer: reboot or. shutdown -r now

Oct 22, 2018 · The sudo command tells Linux to run the command as an administrator, so you may need to type your password. The –r switch at the end indicates that you want the machine to restart. Note: See our article for additional Linux shutdown command options.

May 28, 2019 · In the Linux world, Fedora started to use systemd in 2011. Since then it has been adopted by a great many distributions. Debian and Ubuntu swapped to systemd in 2015. On systemd-based distributions the shutdown, reboot, halt, and poweroff commands are effectively shortcuts that point to the systemctl command. Nov 10, 2012 · Restart with Init Command. Init is taken from the word initialize that is widely used to initialize/start different processes in a Linux server, so this command used as a joint with runlevel 6; a number which is set for rebooting a linux server leads to get the server rebooted. The syntax is mentioned below: Nov 07, 2019 · Enter the restart command. Type sudo systemctl restart service into Terminal, making sure to replace the service part of the command with the command name of the service, and press ↵ Enter. For example, to restart Apache on Ubuntu Linux, you would type sudo systemctl restart apache2 into Terminal. Jan 26, 2020 · To restart the server, you'll need shell access to the operating system that Apache's running on. With a dedicated virtual private server, you'll either log in to a shell prompt through a browser or using a Secure Shell session initiated from your local computer.